bezold jarisch bj reflex
bezold jarisch bj reflex

由KKashihara著作·2004·被引用18次—AlthoughtheBezold-Jarisch(BJ)reflexispotentiallyevokedduringacutemyocardialischemiaorinfarction,itseffectsonthestaticcharacteristicsof ...,2022年5月20日—Clinically,theBezold-Jarischreflexisaninhibitoryreflexusuall...

relationship to vasovagal syncope and the Bezold

由SMKinsella著作·2001·被引用424次—TheauthorssuggestedthattheBezold–Jarischreflexresultedfromacombinationofawakesurgeryinthesittingpositionwithaugmentationofthe ...

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由 K Kashihara 著作 · 2004 · 被引用 18 次 — Although the Bezold-Jarisch (BJ) reflex is potentially evoked during acute myocardial ischemia or infarction, its effects on the static characteristics of ...


2022年5月20日 — Clinically, the Bezold-Jarisch reflex is an inhibitory reflex usually denoted as a cardioinhibitory reflex defined as bradycardia, ...

Neurotransmission of the Bezold

由 DA Chianca Jr 著作 · 1997 · 被引用 18 次 — The Bezold-Jarisch (B-J) reflex was activated by serotonin (5-HT, i.v.) before and 10 min after bilateral microinjection of increasing doses of kynurenic ...


Bezold-Jarisch Reflex ... A cardiovascular decompressor reflex involving a marked increase in vagal (parasympathetic) efferent discharge to the heart, elicited by ...

relationship to vasovagal syncope and the Bezold

由 SM Kinsella 著作 · 2001 · 被引用 424 次 — The authors suggested that the Bezold–Jarisch reflex resulted from a combination of awake surgery in the sitting position with augmentation of the ...

Clinical Relevance of the Bezold

由 JA Campagna 著作 · 2003 · 被引用 404 次 — Today, the BJR connotes the re- flex as described by Dawes in the mid twentieth century: bradycardia, vasodilation, and hypotension resulting from stimulation ...


由KKashihara著作·2004·被引用18次—AlthoughtheBezold-Jarisch(BJ)reflexispotentiallyevokedduringacutemyocardialischemiaorinfarction,itseffectsonthestaticcharacteristicsof ...,2022年5月20日—Clinically,theBezold-Jarischreflexisaninhibitoryreflexusuallydenotedasacardioinhibitoryreflexdefinedasbradycardia, ...,由DAChiancaJr著作·1997·被引用18次—TheBezold-Jarisch(B-J)reflexwasactivatedbyserotonin(5-HT,...